Inch Creative Advantage Logo

Maybe you just need a branded shirt or something to give away at your next event.

...maybe you are looking to create a go to collection of branded merchandise or awards.

...either way we have the solution.



The place to find branded business gifts, company apparel, promotional corporate gifts, promo apparel, sustainable corporate promotional items, personalized corporate gifts & business apparel.

Company Stores eCommerce

Designed just for you; one spot to hold a selection of business apparel, company logo gift ideas, promotional corporate gifts, event supplies, corporate branded items to help improve company culture, promote diversity and inclusion at work and much more.

HR Specific Sites

A site specially designed for HR professionals categories can include new hire welcome gifts, volunteer T-shirts, new baby gifts, retirement gifts. Designed to include items that encourate engagement in the workplace & best company culture practices.

Service Award Programs

Customized service awards for employees are the most common types of recognition in the work place. Service awards for employees enhance company culture and recognize employees for their dedication.

Peer to Peer Recognition

Employee to employee recognition is one of the simplest ways to encourage team engagement. Peer recognition was designed improving workplace culture.

Employee Appreciation

We create custom rewards and recognition programs filled with employee appreciation ideas. Let us show you ways to recognize employees, types of employee awards & create an employee rewards program to suit your special audience.